Data loggers Mk1 ThermaData logger blind recording thermometers

Mk1 ThermaData® logger blind recording thermometers

  • visual display shows if limits exceeded
  • customised high/low alarm facility
  • range -40 to 85°C
  • UKAS 3 point certificate available
  • FREE software to download
  • requires purchase of a USB lead

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The ThermaData® data logger Mk1 is a cost effective, self-contained temperature data-logger or blind recording thermometer that is designed to record the temperature of the surrounding environment. The ThermaData® data logger is housed in a water-resistant polyethylene case and incorporates two LED status indicators.

The ThermaData Studio software allows the user to programme the logging sample/interval rate (1 to 255 minutes), the real-time clock, °C/°F, delayed start (maximum 23 hours, 59 minutes) or push-button start and a 12-character user ID. The software also incorporates a password protected calibration adjustment feature that allows the user to check the calibration of loggers and make minor adjustments 0.5 °C (±3 °C).

By selecting continuous logging in the software options, it is possible to start the ThermaData® logger only once and never have to reset its parameters again, even if downloaded regularly. Unlike most low cost loggers, the ThermaData® logger will continue recording during and after downloading the data.

The user can also set within the software, high and low alarm values for a specific application. A button push will allow a simple visual inspection of the unit to show if either of these limits has been exceeded. An illuminated red LED will warn the user that the alarm limits have been exceeded (reject) or an illuminated green LED will advise the user that the alarm limits have not been exceeded (accept)

ThermaData Studio Software:-
The ThermaData Studio software is supplied as a FREE download.  The ThermaData® logger is connected to a PC via a USB port lead. By clicking on the relevant icon the data can be downloaded and displayed either as a graph, table or summary. The information can then be analysed by zooming in, saving as a ‘studio file’ or exporting to other software packages.

colour-coded data loggers
The ThermaData® loggers are available in a variety of coloured cases; blue, white, yellow, green, red, brown and black. The colour-coded cases help to prevent cross-contamination by allowing the user to allocate a colour to a specific product or application. For example, in the food industry, green may be used for salads, blue for fish and red for raw meats etc.

Other applications include different coloured loggers for easy identification in, eg, the building and construction industry where loggers can often blend in with the environment. *N.B. this datalogger requires purchase of a USB lead.